
Happy Cruise on the Carribean Sea

Happy Cruise on the Carribean Sea 

The new year might bring you new ideas to explore as you plan your next travel. If you ever happen to be in Florida, a cruise in the Caribbean Sea is a great option! Awesome views, delicious food, new friendships, entertainment that will nourish your soul, and happy hours in many of the available bars where you can try your salsa moves! 

Why Cruises? 

Cruises are very popular vacation choices amongst Americans. They are comfortable. They provide an all-in-one package: transport, food, bars, entertainment, shopping, babysitting, and more. Some things are to be paid extra but it is all worth it! Usually, there are about few destinations to visit depending on how long is the cruise and they provide plenty of time to enjoy the place. 

Booking and Planning a Cruise 

Cruising is all year round in the industry. However, remember a few things. 

Firstly, the hurricane season lasts through October. You wouldn’t like to be caught in nasty weather. 

Secondly, after they open all available options, book your restaurants for romantic outings. It is optional and paid extra but well worth the experience. When you are on a cruise ship all bookings are closed and it is impossible to get a table in any of the beautiful restaurants. Do not worry! You will still have the canteen to have your meals (included in the package price). 

Next, choose and book your trips at each port. The tickets are sold out very fast and if you leave it until the last minute, your options for a trip might be very limited. However, there is no pressure on going out of the cruise ship. You can simply enjoy the cruise ship only. 

Fourthly, buy your private huts at the beach or swimming pool areas. Later, they will be sold out. 

Lastly, very important! Be on time back on the cruise ship as they will not wait for you! 

Example of a Cruise.  

First stop: Coco Cay, Bahamas 

With the turquoise waters in the background, you can hear the little band and dancers in typical local costumes welcoming you once you get out of the cruise ship. 

Coco Cay is amazing! It is an island with many swimming pool areas and lounge chairs for hundreds of guests. You can soak up the sun on the white-sand beaches. You can also rent a clamshell to enjoy the perks of being outdoors in a picturesque setting without the intense sun directly on you. Private, colorful cabanas, though pricey, are also an option. There are many beautiful spots to explore. Go to the swimming pool and dance to the beat of the DJ in the water with a bouncing crowd. If you are more like a romantic loner, you might want to discover the beach, where the seagulls soak up some sun, and take hundreds of beautiful pictures. Later, go to a quiet spot full of hammocks and relax far away from the crowds. 

Second stop: San Juan, Puerto Rico 

San Juan is a beautiful place to get out on foot and explore the city. See some local fine spots by taking an organized trip. It is a good option as they know when you should be back on the cruise ship, so you will never miss it! Find a local coffee shop and enjoy a delicious tapas meal. Moreover, visit the historic fort, now part of the National Parks system. 

Third stop: Nevis and Saint Kitts 

They are beautiful islands destined to spend a laid-back afternoon on the beaches. Take a catamaran to St. Nevis. Have the famous bubble bee rum drink while lying on a beach. This trip is about enjoying the beach and the view. As the waters are crystal clear, snorkelling is an excellent option! In the afternoon take back the catamaran and explore Saint Kitts, its beach, great food, and shopping. 

Fourth stop: Saint Marteen 

Explore the pirate past of this tiny island. After a show, go to the rooftop, have a drink and a local cake. Enjoy the view from the top of the little port full of picturesque yachts. Then, take a train-like trip around the island. There is excellent shopping by the port, if you are interested. 

Of course, there are many other itinerary options to choose from. Everybody can choose something for themselves! Happy travels! 



nourish – provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition (nakarmić, odżywiać) 

outings – a pleasure trip, excursion, picnic, or the like (wypady) 

huts – an often small and temporary dwelling of simple construction : shack (chatki) 

clamshell – an object that has two hinged parts and that opens and closes like a clamshell (tu: siedzenie w kształcie muszli) 

cabanas – a small cabin or tentlike structure for use as a bathhouse, especially on a beach or by a swimming pool. a cabin or cottage (kabina plażowa) 

seagulls – is a gull, ie. bird frequenting the sea (mewy) 

soak up –to enjoy feeling or experiencing (something pleasant) in usually a slow or relaxed way (nasiąkać, cieszyć się) 

catamaran – a sailing, or sometimes motored, vessel with twin hulls held parallel by a rigid framework. a primitive raft made of logs lashed together (katamaran) 

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